European premiere at Intermodal Europe 2010 Amsterdam Netherlands
Par Régis Barbenchon, dans Marketplace promotion -# 299 - Fil RSS
European premiere at Intermodal Europe 2010

Transport Marketplace is officially launching an entirely redesigned version of its software at Intermodal Europe 2010.
The company is currently expanding its commercial activity over Europe by opening a new branch office in Rotterdam and it considers the Amsterdam trade show as the best way to promote this move in 2010.
"The exhibition is a UNIQUE opportunity for visitors to register early and win some free (1) TM Credits (2)"The project
Transportmarketplace brings together the demand and supply from worldwide multimodal shippers and carriers and enhances their efficiency through cloud computing (3).
The marketplace was built to be simple:
- The shipper initiates a transaction by posting a freight offer to the system
- The carrier quotes the freight offer that matches his activity
- The shipper chooses the best quote and places the order
- The carrier then has the option to accept or decline the order
- The shipper rates the carrier's performance
- The carrier confirms having received the shipper's payment
- The shipper pays 2 TM Credits (2) per quotation received within 48 hours
- The carrier pays 4 TM Credits (2) per order he accepts
Distribution strategy
Transportmarketplace's Networker program commissions, sponsors who introduce the services to new users by inviting them directly or including banners to their website.
The project is lead from Europe in Rotterdam before being expanded from Hong-Kong thereafter.

(1). Free TM Credits: 100 TM Credits will be offered every 100 registrations made from Transportmarketplace's stand, 40 TM Credits will automatically be offered instead of 20.
(2). TM Credits: virtual currency of the website, 1 Credit equals 1 euro in the euro zone.
(3). Cloud computing: Web based softwares (highly flexible, work from any Web browser)
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